Who’s really stealing your money and some of the ways to catch the thief
Many persons are finding money disappearing from their bank
accounts, pockets, even from their hands and they keep asking themselves, where
this money is going? Many people blame the government for the aforementioned
disappearances; claiming that the government is stealing their money through
taxes. Some others blame their banks or Credit Unions, claiming that the
institutions are stealing their monies.
I have been looking into this phenomenon and I realized that
the real thief may really be closer to us than we think.
I have identified one of the biggest thieves and I felt it
was my duty to expose him. I will also show five (5) ways how he robs us blind
and what we can do to stop him.
The thief surname is “Habbit”, first name “Financial” and I
know many of us know him, because we all have him as our friend. He can be a
good friend, or a bad friend. When he is being a bad friend we need to get rid
of him, however many of us prefer to have him around especially when he is
being a very bad friend and robbing us blind. The following are five (5) ways
he robs us and what we can do to stop him:
1- Through
Cable (TV)- It seems to be a normal thing for persons to spend over $100.00 on cable
every month. Is this a need? No!!! It’s
a want. How about cutting back on our TV
habits a bit? I am not saying to not have cable if you feel like you can’t do
without it, maybe it’s best to just have the basic package and leave these
premium expensive channels alone.
2- ATM
fees- Do you have any idea how much money you are wasting by hitting up the ATM
every time you need to make a small withdrawal. Especially if you are using the
ATM of a bank that is not your bank. You pay fees to your bank and you pay fees
to the bank whose ATM you are using. Try
setting a (weekly or fortnightly) budget and take out enough money from your
pay to last you until the next week or two if possible to avoid too much
frequent visit to the ATM. If you are using your bank and not paying fees, then
kudos to you.
3- Impulse
buying- You go to the supermarket to get milk, however while standing in the
line to pay you grab a pack of gum. You walk past a hotdog stand and smell the
hotdog and think you must get one, coffee on the way to work. If you get rid of
these small indulgences, you’ll be surprised at how much you’ll be saving. If
you don’t need it don’t buy it, if you can’t afford it put it down.
4- Brand
Name- I guess this is about making a fashion statement. But do you really need
to pay a whole lot of money to advertise a brand for a company. Shouldn’t they
be paying you to advertise for them? I will never tell people to stop wearing
brand name, but if this is getting in the way of you achieving financial
freedom, then you have a choice to make. Decide what’s important in your life
and move on from there.
5- Loans
to buy liabilities- I will define a liability using Robert Kiyosaki definition
which is anything that takes money out of your pocket. An asset by contrast is
anything that put money in your pocket. Many people apply for loans to purchase
personal vehicles, a car for instance. They apply for the loan; they have to
pay back the loan with interest every month. Then ever so often you have to buy
tires for the car, brakes, clutch, filters, insurance, oil, repair minor
damages, gas and a whole host of other things, again I am not saying don’t
purchase a car, however ask yourself, is it necessary. All this car may be
doing is robbing you of your hard earned money.
It is about time to STOP PICKING OUR OWN POCKET. Review your
financial habits, take time to develop good financial habits, have a family
budget and stick to it. If you feel that you can’t live within your means, then
that’s no problem, you just need to EXPAND your means. Consider
entrepreneurship or a second job, just don’t rob yourself.
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